Welcome to INTO THE WOODS, the official e-newsletter of the Rajala Woods Foundation!

At the Rajala Woods Foundation, we are dedicated to the promotion, preservation, and sustainability of our precious natural resources. Nestled deep within the enchanting and awe-inspiring woodland landscapes, our foundation seeks to connect individuals and communities with the wonders and benefits of nature.

INTO THE WOODS will serve as your guide to understanding the importance and beauty of forests, as well as the work we do to support their conservation and growth. Through this quarterly e-newsletter, we will share captivating stories, informative articles, and exciting updates about our initiatives.

One of the milestones we’re particularly excited about is welcoming Blake Francis as our new Executive Director. Blake retired from Minnesota Power, where he worked with a passion for forestry and the environment for 30 years. We are delighted to have Blake on our team, as his extensive knowledge of our organization, the lands we possess, and the important stakeholders in our community, along with his considerable expertise in forestry, make him an invaluable addition.

“With the state and nation paying close attention to climate change, climate-adapted forestry is coming to the forefront. It’s a great time for the RWF to be educating and expanding, showing the world how healthy, sustainable forest management can transform northern Minnesota.”

-Blake Francis, Rajala Woods Foundation Executive Director

“Under Blake’s leadership, we look forward to increased engagement and activities, proactive partnerships with government agencies and NGOs and continued work toward restoring the number of white pine and other long-lived conifer species in our northern forests,” stated Kurt Anderson, Rajala Woods Foundation Board Chair